Spending time on manual work is the most frustrating aspect of a cybersecurity job. Organizations could increase employee satisfaction and productivity by using AI automation and "Role Deepening" versus having them work on tedious tasks.

Please select the most tedious, boring and mundane tasks from the 10 options below. You can select more than one. The results of this survey will help you become a more productive organization by focusing your AI initiatives on those tasks.
10 Most Monotonous and Tedious Tasks in Cybersecurity and Privacy
Writing Policies and Procedures
Identify and Update Regulatory / Security Controls
Security Log and Alert Analysis
Finding Answers (Troubleshooting, Sales / Developer Queries)
You can vote for more than one answer.
Feel free to add your painful tasks in the comments.
Feel free to disagree with the list above. There was a request to add “Exceptions Management” to the list.